Saturday, June 5, 2010

The possibilities

The Israeli might turn the MV Rachel Corrie radar upside down and heading them towards Israel water.

Or they can make an accident that they said not from them.

They are Israeli specifically Zionist, the biggest terrorist of the world, supported by the world police, United State.

I'm off for a day to educate the Czech people in Prague about whats really happening in Flotilla. The possibilities that might be happened: I will arrested by police, termination of the visa and going back to Malaysia. I am the peace activist as what my religion named after.

If I was jailed, I hoped be a shahid in the path of Allah by fighting for the truth. Insyaallah. Keep the doa accompanying me. This can be my last word in this blog. If I have any debt, please settle them and forgive me for what I'm wrong.

-The name was graved out-

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